Ban it, ban it, sweep it off the planet
Ban it, ban it, cover up and can it,
Make me feel all right just keep it out of sight
But it's there in my mind and it made me go blind
Can't stand all the smut that's around these days
It's bad for the children so the governments say
No sex without marriage, God says keep it clean
But the preachers didn't pay attention so it seems
I know whats best and in the name of protection
Gotta clean it up, clean it up, before the next election
Cant face the day when Junior says
Daddy where did I come from, I hope and pray
If we just say no it'll all go away
And we won't have to talk about sex today
But the human body's everywhere I go
On the TV, web, even on the radio
And the only way I'll win the culture war
Is to wave my bible and pass a law to....
Accidents happen but no-one must be told
About pills and condoms and birth control
Morning after, and it's too late
To stop it now no choice to make
Killing babies, that's a sin
That doesn't apply to grown up men
Dont want the child well you're out of luck
Its the price you pay for having that fuck
There's no way out, can't pass the buck
You had some fun and now you're stuck
With a burden to bear the rest of your life
All because you didn't become man and wife
Unplanned pregnancy teens and lust
And I know I can't fix it so I think I'd better just....
Criminal records can be erased
Just find God and your soul is saved
Protect the children that's the dogma
To help me pass my political agenda
Gotta get rich in the next four years
Cos I cant express my greed in prayers
And I know I'll get the president's ear
If I say the magic words they all want to hear....
God made you, we made the image
Every day in school you gotta pay homage
Man from monkeys it's not allowed
My great design must be avowed
So join the club and stop your grieving
Religion's all about belonging not believing
Feel the fear, follow the herd
Blind acceptance of the leader's word
Obedience rules, reason deferred
Never question why, god's will concurred
Cos you've gotta be just like us to be accepted
On your own you'll never be protected
From sex, drugs, liberals, crime,
Rock n roll and having a good time
And I know I cant trust you to keep the peace
So I'd better make a call to the thought police to....
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